Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kiddo Funnies

My kiddos keep me laughing everyday! Here's the latest:

We recently got a new dog. A yellow lab named Hambone courtesy of Uncle Kevin! The boys have been outside introducing themselves to Hambone and trying to make him feel at home. After they came inside from playing with him last night C came upstairs to tell me all about it. He said that Hambone is a great dog; he said "I do think he has one problem Momma." I listened. C said, "Momma, I think he has over active bladder because he peed on every bush and shrub and tree out there!" I think maybe C has watched too many commercials!

The other Sunday on the way to church, the boys are in the back talking and playing. I heard MZ say "My brother is good at.....", and of course I was thinking I have such good boys! They really do love each other. Then MZ said ".....picking his nose! And he is good at scratching his butt!" So Daddy said "MZ, be nice!" MZ said " I am being nice! Daddy I am just trying to be positive! I was telling my brother what he is good at Daddy! What's wrong with that! C is the best booger picker I have ever seen!" Of course Daddy and I lost it. What do you say to that?

And last but not least S is definitely a little momma. She changes her baby's diapers and feeds them their bottles. This morning she had been playing in her kitchen and had two babies on each hip and also a wooden spoon in her hand. I ask her why she had the wooden spoon? I knew what a wooden spoon was used for in my kitchen and wondered if her's had the same purpose. She took the spoon and bent one of the babies over her leg and started spanking baby! Yep, our spoons have the same use! That's my girl!
*S "potty training" her baby doll.
<-------the potty training book she read to baby.

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