Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow and Pillow Forts

This is not unusual for MS, March 1st and we wake up to a couple of inches of snow. Well of course the kids woke up first to see if the weather man was right and as soon as they saw a glisten of white they were booted up! My kids are deprived of this white powder and it really does not bother me because I hate being cold! They got up around 7:00. C stayed out for about 4 minutes and came back in because he was cold. He said it was the wet snow and that if it were the dry kind he would have played in it. BUT MZ loved it!! He stayed outside in it with the dogs. He came in talking about how he and Sasha and Hambone had played a game of tackle football and Sasha had won, the score was 23-6. They also played "dogs and knights" where Sasha was the queen and Hambone and MZ were knights. Hambone was knighted first and then MZ. They built a snow castle and Hambone jumped over the castle and MZ in one jump. Hambone and MZ were trying to "slave a dragon", they had snow swords and they had to stab the dragon in the mouth and if they did, they got a snow badge(that he had built). Hambone got on the dragon and bit it on the tongue and MZ stabbed it in the head. So I guess MZ and Hambone were the heroes for Sasha. Another thing MZ told me( i did not see this thank goodness!) was that he got down like a dog and licked the snow. It was good he said and he even brought some inside and put it in the freezer. He has been eating on it as his morning snack.
S thought she might want to go out in the snow too. She had to have all the things a girl needs to go out in the snow. She went out and kicked the snow but when she fell and got wet, that was it for my princess! She came crying to the door that the snow was wet and she was wet and she need dry clothes!!!
After a morning of snow and cold they are currently in my bedroom building a fort out of pillows on the bed. This is S's first bed fort and the boys are having a hard time keeping her from tearing it down. She keeps saying "ding dong" because she is ringing the door and wanting in. They made an emergency exit and everything but from what I can hear there is not a lot of room in the fort. MZ and S are in there and C said "oh it's OK if I don't get to get in, as long as y'all are having a good time, I am having a good time!" Now how sweet is my baby boy! So after an eventful morning of snow and pillow forts we are sipping on hot chocolate and looking forward to the 70 degree weather that is forcasted for later in the week!